Saturday, May 16, 2009
This is what doing a CC can cause you. be so bored you go draw pictures to determine ur personality. Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You love your house and family. You are a gifted artist as well. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. Your life is always full of changes. When it comes to love, you shut yourself off. It's difficult to win your heart because you have decided to keep your feelings deep inside. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people. You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself. Saturday, May 09, 2009 Musicfest 2009: I'm Lovin' it The journey was a crazy one. It was a spur of the moment decision when I received Lynn's call one day while I was sick at home asking if we wanted to join the competition together. To think I was so sure that I didn't want to join everytime my council friends asked me to, I actually said yes. But ah, honestly at that point of time, I really never thought about the impending stress and trouble I had to experience. I didn't think of the final result as well. But now looking back at that day, I knew I would have regretted it if I said no :) Auditions went better than we expected, we sang With You by Chris Brown and really enjoyed ourselves. Zomg, I was pretty nervous while enjoying the atmosphere as well; my hands were trembling and my smile was phoney but that 2 minutes onstage were priceless. Thanks to the audience that boosted our confidence(and Leon who started the clapping thing)! :D Semifinals was crap, in all areas of the competition. The song was super not up to standard due to my lost voice, we couldn't practise till the day before and I sang almost the whole song in falsetto and didn't enjoy myself. Felt so sorry to have pulled Lynn down and was super guilty when we first got to find out that we didn't qualify for the finals. Then came the controversy of how the teachers decided to put a band into the vocal group category, and after a big hooha they were changed to the most unique performance while we were put back into the competition. But we couldn't feel the ecstacy due to the aftermath of all the righteous anger. While preparing for the finals, we received the biggest blow yet. Knowing we were super last minute for the previous two times, we started out real early this time but two days before the finals the teachers pressurized us to change our song. It was a horrible and unlucky day; we hastily went to Teo Heng to try out songs. But even after we decided and felt happy to be singing what we really love, there was still this niggling thought at the back of our mind, worrying about how the angmoh Victorians would take our performance. Mr Lim's constant reminder about how half the Victorian population is secretly cheena didn't really help much. The rehearsals on the day itself further crushed our confidence; there were so many technical errors and even by the last full run, we didn't have our lights and sounds during the performance. What stressed us out most was probably the idea of disappointing the friends that supported us. But on the final day itself (yesterday), I guess it turned out well. Forget about the mic screw-ups, our friends made it all right (: We hope we didn't disappoint all of you! And we are so darn proud of your screams. Love :) Second really doesn't seem bad at all. In fact, it is darn good! :D Secret motivation: Jerald talked to the Guest of Honour from MOE and he said he thought we would win the category! Mr Lin Kuan Tai too told me he thought we were the best, zomg! And thanks to the many friends who believed we were great too :) There are many people I would like to thank: Councillors (25ths and 26ths) I am so apologetic that I couldn't be of help to the event due to being a participant. It was such a waste; it's the last event for the 25ths and I can't be there as a councillor. But you all were still here for me as friends. Thanks to every single one of you who gave Futari your support. You all really pulled me out of depress zone and motivated me to continue, especially from Wednesday till Friday. Special thanks to Wanswen, Zhengjun, Szeying, Victoria, Thomas, Andy, for feeling righteous on our behalf and assuring our performance having watched it and knew what the teachers said. Also wanna thank Geraldine, Lennart, Collin, Kenrick, Katharine, Jerald, for putting up with my depressed face on Thursday, motivating me and all. I really appreciated it <3 And of course, great job to all who helped out for duties for the event! Thanks to the people who were there when I needed you, you know who you are :) There are many new people I met in the competition, and you all made this experience worthwhile: Hannah, Jed, Lionel, Yelun, and the two other vocal groups Dear Mimosa and 3mic! Musicfest is nothing without all of you! Of course, thanks Edward(though you'll never see it) for being so imba-ly talented, being able to play the song on piano/guitar just by listening to the song twice. You are our hero! Am so sorry we couldn't acknowledge you yesterday. But you do feel our love, yeah? :D Also, to all that wished us good luck and gave us your support, you are loved! ![]() Lastly and most importantly, LYNN! You are the best, seriously. Without you, I am nothing. Thanks so much for these two months (is it? It feels really long). Short as they were, I'll never forget them. Remember how we joined CSS two years ago? I'd never imagine I'll be joining a singing competition in the future with you! It's my very very big honour, seriously. Your voice is _____ -speechless- you know what I mean, yeah? It's over now, I guess all the trouble was worthwhile. And look! You didn't disappoint any of your friends! So next time anything happens, don't be disheartened. You know all your friends will be more heartbroken to see you down. Smile! I'm done camwhoring with the trophy. Will give it to you next week or something. You totally deserve it :) LOVE!!! The following photos are from my lousy camcorder. Only these few :/ Am waiting for the rest I took on Facebook! Thanks Wanswen. Really :) Closure. |
![]() Clovergreen♥ There's more to things than you'll ever know, but I'm beginning to anticipate the unknown. Smile, because you are worth it. Tey Xiao Wei 08021991 NUS FASS Victoria Junior College CHIJ SN Aquarius Enthusiast Extreme 蘇打綠 Sodafan Designer : Chili. x o x o free web counter |